Taramana is a Franco-Cambodian NGO based in the heart of the Boeng Salang slum, north of Phnom Penh. It works in the fields of education, health and well-being on behalf of 200 children between the ages of five and the end of their schooling. Almayuda, already present in Cambodia, where the foundation is involved in the WISH program, supports two projects developed by the organization in the fields of nutrition and culture.
Phnom Penh, capital of Cambodia, one of the world’s poorest countries with a population of 15 million, now has a population of over 2 million. It is experiencing significant demographic growth, caused by the emigration of rural populations driven by poverty. Having come here in search of a better life, they are crammed into precarious housing zones on the outskirts of the metropolis.
Such is the case of Boeng Salang, a shantytown built around a disused railroad line, where entire families live in extremely unsanitary accommodation. Malnutrition is chronic, as are infections caused by contaminated water.Taramana in the center of Boeng Salang
Taramana in the center of Boeng Salang
It was here, in the heart of the shantytown, that Taramana set up its center in 2005. It welcomes 200 children, from the age of five right up to the end of their schooling. A team of Khmer employees, numerous volunteers and partner organizations support them in the areas of education, health, sport and culture.
It was here, in the heart of the shantytown, that Taramana set up its center in 2005. It welcomes 200 children, from the age of 5 right through to the end of their schooling. Taramana is constantly developing new projects to support these initiatives. Such is the case with the “Un repas équilibré de plus par jour” and “A la découverte de la culture cambodgienne” programs, supported by Almayuda.
Taramana is constantly developing new projects to support these initiatives. Such is the case with the “One more balanced meal a day” and “Discovering Cambodian culture” programs, supported by Almayuda.
One more balanced meal a day

Every day, 80 Taramana children, chosen from among the most disadvantaged, receive a free balanced meaĺ served in the center’s canteen. Lunch consists of a portion of rice, a portion of protein (meat, fish, eggs, tofu…), vegetables, a piece of fruit and/or a dairy product. Two vegetarian lunches are interspersed in the menus each week. The center also offers a breakfast consisting of a portion of fruit and a cake (sweet or savory) for children studying at the center in the morning.
To ensure daily nutritional intake, Taramana now wants to introduce an additional evening meal at the canteen. The same balance as for lunch, in terms of proteins, vegetables or fruit, but with different menus. These meals will be prepared by the center’s cook. Two supervisors, hired for this purpose, will help with the service and look after the children: discipline and cleaning of trays, but also brushing their teeth.
Discovering Cambodian culture
The children of the Boeng Salang district rarely have the opportunity to leave their daily environment. They have never visited other parts of the capital, let alone another Cambodian province. Of course, they have no access to culture, the arts or sports.

Taramana aims to offer students at the center the chance to discover their country, its heritage and its history, and to enjoy the beauty of its nature and the richness of its culture.
The planned actions include :
– Two to three-day stays in Siem Reap, gateway to the Angkor ruins.
– Apsara (Khmer dance) and Yuthakun Khorm (traditional martial art) dance classes, taught by specially recruited teachers who are available once or twice a week in the center’s activity rooms.
– Activities at the Institut Français du Cambodge (manual workshops around exhibitions, film screenings, dance shows, plays).
– New cultural activities at the center (workshops offered by the Royal University of Fine Arts in particular).
The Almayuda Foundation is proud to contribute to these naturally complementary projects.
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