Bernard Plossu

Plossu Roma
Bernard Plossu visited Rome on numerous occasions between 1970 and 2005. Three hundred and forty photographs tell of the emotions of this travelling photographer.

“La Montagne Blanche” by Bernard Plossu at the Granet Museum
The photographic work of Bernard Plossu on the dazzling and silent Montagne Sainte-Victoire will be staying put in Aix-en-Provence!

Maroc 1975
Bernard Plossu’s journal of his travels across Morocco. Texts in French and Arabic by Abdellah Karroum.

Plossu Cinéma
Bernard Plossu’s photos on the cinema, all in one book and with accompanying comments.

Notebooks of unpublished works
In this collection in black and white and in notebook format, Bernard Plossu casts his eye back over the world of the last 50 years.

Le jardin de pierres
The photographer Bernard Plossu’s vision of the granite of Chamonix.